Tuesday, June 19, 2007

More Lalas

See how things get pulled out of context? Alexi here says that the U.S. has never had a star the likes of Beckham, and that internationally, Beckham's profile is bigger than Tiger Woods or Michael Jordan. I'd agree, because soccer is so much bigger internationally.

Then the headline becomes all about how Lalas is saying that Beckham will become bigger than Woods or Jordon in the U.S., which isn't what he said. It's also unlikely for that to happen.

More distortion from AP in this article, Lalas saying he could put together a team of the best MLS players and they wouldn't bring down the quality of the Premiership (which seems to imply they'd be somewhere safe from relegation, probably midtable. I really don't like random hypotheticals, but this scenario seems plausible), becomes "Lalas says MLS on par with Premier League", which is not what he said.

They're trying to make Lalas look ridiculous. Of course, it helps their cause that he is saying some of this stuff and he is wearing those pants pictured below.

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