Friday, June 8, 2007

More correspondence

Let me start out by saying, I'm a yankee soccer fan. I know nothing about guatemala and it would probably take me a minute to find it on the map.

BUT, I thought your review of the game was pretty damn unfair to them, and overly generous to us. I complain about Ruiz's gamesmanship, but I have to tip my hat to the way he positions and shapes his body, how he shields the ball, and his reading of the game. It's thrilling to watch.

Also, if you're going to insinuate that Ruiz had Onyewu sent off unfairly, you need to mention that the challenge that got Gooch sent off was one of the most senseless, ill-advised, just plain sunday league things we could ever hope to see from a U.S. center back. Onyewu had no one but himself to blame for that long walk off the field. Simple fact, and you'd look smarter, or at least less biased, if you didn't ignore it.

Finally, I'd like to ask you what the logical connection between your assertion and Bob Bradley's quote is in the following passage

"Bradley observed that in fact, the particular European experience of some American players could have been a bit of a detriment, as players accustomed to the physical style of English soccer could easily be whistled here for moves against Ruiz that would go uncalled there.
"There was more physical play today and it's an adjustment for some players, because the games are different," Bradley said. "It's just making sure that they understand the opponent and the kind of games they're in."
It looks to me like Bob Bradley said "There was more physical play today", and that that threw the U.S. off it's game, which would seem to fly in the face of the assertion you attributed to him above, that players were getting whistled for fouls that would normally be let go in England...
N'est ce pas?

Dear Reader,

It's just below Mexico on a map. Thrilling is a matter of opinion - others would say that it's downright disgraceful watching the gaming that goes on when Ruiz dives without contact or pokes a player then falls over like he's the one being hurt. Did you watch the play where Bocanegra got the yellow? That was all Ruiz and his clever manipulation. You can admire or loathe it. Some people do both.

It took two yellows to send Onyewu out, and Ruiz was involved heavily in the first one, where his reaction sold the foul, which was a suspect yellow at best, considering the foul should have been on Ruiz.

Bradley's point was that the U.S. defenders were drawn into a physical match that they should have resisted, given that CONCACAF refs will blow whistles on things that don't go called in England. In other words, Bradley was saying they played more physically than they should have, but it was partly due to that's what they're used to doing in England, but it cost them here. I don't see the discrepancy.


1 comment:

  1. It is unreal. Is a reader actually advocating f***ing diving? My, you handled that with some class Andrea, you have far more patience than I.
