Friday, June 8, 2007

Mexican summer

Sorry to scare the American soccer fans off with this picture but Mexico starts their own Gold Cup participation today against Cuba in New York.

I took a look at the importance of their summer for


  1. hugo is a joke and will not remain the mexican coach for more than another year. i personally believe mexico made him DT only to shut him up in time for WC 2010 preparation.

  2. Come on Cuba, pull off an amazing upset!

  3. Hugo is the best mexican player ever. Landicakes could only wish to win 5 scoring titles for the best club in the history of world soccer and be the 2nd all time leading scorer in Spanish league history.

    It will take time to shed Mexico of the negative mentality which has plagued it in close games, but I guarantee he will win some trophies with Mexico. For heaven's sake he won back to back titles as coach of lowly Pumas wih an empty cupboard of talent.

  4. Empty cupboard? Well, if that's the case, he's taken that empty cupboard and put it on the national team.

    He's called up - just from that empty cupboard of a team - Gonzalo Pineda, Kikin Fonseca, Jaime Lozano, Sergio Bernal, Joaquin Beltran, Israel Castro, Gerardo Galindo to the national team.

    Mexico looks like it's regressing under Hugo, though. At least, that's what these last few games suggest. They'll have to pick up the slack quite a bit if they want to make a run at the Gold Cup title.

  5. LB. Good points. Common knowledge is that Pumas has a deep youth system and that is just not the case. The players Hugo nurtured are solid players but few teams would have built a team around them before Hugo put his stamp on them. The first three you mentioned are solid players for the national team but the latter three got courtesy call-ups as a reward for never being called under Lavolpe.

    For the record, Kikin Fonseca bounced around and finally caught on with La Piedad and Hugo being the genius that he is scooped him up and developed something out of nothing. This is in contrast to outstanding youth systems where you have can't miss gems coming up to the big team. Pumas hasn't had that in a while, especially forwards.

    As for the national team under Hugo. Just be patient. I am reserving opinion until the golden generation breaks into his lineup: Vela, Dos Santos etc...
