Monday, June 18, 2007

Look! Another soccer blog.

Jonah Freedman gets in on the fun.

Looking over his blog (there's a picture of Jonah with LD, click on his SI staff image), I realized suddenly that I don't have a single picture of myself with any soccer players. Wait, I take that back, Luis took a picture of me interviewing Adam Cristman once.

But in general, I've been paranoid about appearing unprofessional, so I've never asked for a quick photo, even when all around, reporters would finish interviews and then pose for a pic with a player. It's not really supposed to happen, at least not in official mixed zones and stuff, but it does all the time, especially when the Mexican national team rolls into town.

I especially wish I'd had a buddy with a camera nearby when I interviewed Ronaldinho last year.

Oh well, my memories will have to suffice.

By the way, I'm not trying to say Jonah is unprofessional in the least. The rules for no photos with players are usually at mixed zones at matches, and it's likely that the photo was taken at some other event, because Landon isn't wearing any official team gear. Maybe they were just hanging out, J & L.


  1. A.C. The picture on his profile is with a Maradona wax dummy - did this change since your article?

  2. Click on that picture of Jonah and Fake Maradona and the profile will come up. The picture with Landon is down there somewhere.
