Friday, June 15, 2007

Help me pick my All-Star ballot

Believe it or not, the MLS All-Star game is fast approaching and the deadline to get votes is right around the corner. Actually, I have until June 25 to get my media vote in.

I decided to let you guys help me fill out my ballot.

Go ahead and state your case for the players you think I should vote for. Off the top of my head, I've got some players in mind already, though I haven't compared notes or players or anything like that. So tell me what you think I should vote for and convince me or point me in the right direction.


  1. I can safely say no one on the Fire deserves such an accolade.

    In the games I've seen (which is likely more than the average MLS fan), I've been very impressed with, outside the regular suspects, Alex Yi (even though he's a hack) and Dane Richards.

  2. herculez gomez makes his teammates better with his play

  3. Please don't pick anyone on the Galaxy. LA players need a break before their overloaded second half of the season. Do pick some of our western conference foes.

  4. L.B.,

    Up Top: EJ and JPA (no brainer here)

    Left Mid: Donovan (deserves to be in first 11 but has been outplayed at his position)

    Right Mid: Guille (Columbus' only bright spot)

    #10: Marinelli (best passer in the league, HANDS DOWN, and primary reason for EJ getting all those opportunities)

    D-Mid: Toja

    Left Back: Bornstein (no one else is even close)

    #4: Conrad (based on quality, not necessarily performance)

    #2: Boswell

    GK: Guzan (although Reis and Waterreus have been good too)

  5. As a Rapids fan I'm going to say Bouna for keeper. I know, I'm biased...but he'll put on a great show in front of the home crowd.

    Defense I know you're going to vote for Ugo Ihemelu. I'm sure you're still kicking LA Management for pulling the trigger on that trade. You did see Ugo run down Landycakes a couple weeks ago, right?

    Midfield, you're going to kick Lalas again because the Gals gave up Herculez Gomez who is the best player on the Rapids this season. After you kick Alexi, vote for Herc.

    Forwards: Eddie Johnson and Juan Pablo Angel seem the obvious choices.

  6. Got to put Reyna on there. I'd say Mathis as well, minus the red cards.

  7. sacha kljestein... you know why

  8. Forwards: JPA, Twellman, EJ

    Midfield: Toja, Beckerman, Van Den Bergh, Donovan, Marinelli

    Defenders: Freeman, Imhelu, Gbandi, Conrad, Mastroeni

    Goalkeepers: Waterreus (Pre-Injury), Condoul

    There are a lot of honorable mentions at forward (Galindo, Schletto, Dichico and Rolfe pre-injury).

  9. I will submitt just one... Bornstein, "the wild man of Borneo!"

  10. Eddie Pope. And not just because he is retiring, but because he has been about the only bright spot on RSL this year. He's been solid every game and has saved the rest of that back line more times than I can count. He's definitely still a top MLS player, but since he's stuck on a very bad RSL team he doesn't get mentioned.

  11. Interestingly the official ballot has a 3-5-2 with Lando listed as a forward so he would get left out.

    EJ/JPA up front. Far and away the best two forwards so far this year.

    Toja (has looked like a great two way midfielder)
    Marinelli(I think KC's success has more to do with him than with EJ
    Reyna (when he wasnt injured he ran that midfield masterfully and was the reason that attack flowed so well, first game back he was subpar will take him one more to get back to full).
    Gomez(someone has to get credit for DC's suddenly rejuvenated offense and it certainly isnt Jaime)
    Klejstan- (i think he is a large part of why chivas' defense has been so good and he has managed to show some skill with the ball as well)


    Parkhurst (all you need to do is look at the difference between NE with and without him)
    Mendes (he has been fantastic this year.. hurt some by missing 3 of his 4 starting mates)
    Bornstein: wouldnt make a whole lot of sense in a 3-5-2 i guess, but he deserves to be recognized


    Wattereus (not even close, prior to injury this was set up to be a unanimous selection)
