Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Fare thee well

Thanks for the memories, Tyrone.

Tyrone Marshall has been traded from the Galaxy to Toronto FC for Edson Buddle.


  1. And thanks for ruining Kenny Cooper's shot at the Copa America this summer!

  2. Poor LA. have fun watching Buddle nap 4-5 games at a time between goals

  3. this seems like like a terrible deal for the galaxy... is there something going on beneath the surface that we don't know about (as in marshall's a lockerroom problem or some other kind of distraction)? i know the galaxy's having trouble scoring goals, but...

  4. I'll miss Ty because he is a G through and through, but it is apparent that he's lost a step in the last year or two.

    Best of luck, Ty, and thanks for all the great memories!!

  5. i have never heard a thing about ty being a cancer, in fact quite the opposite. it really hurts to see him go but, no one can deny that he has lost a step. good luck ty and wish you the best of luck with your new squad.

  6. No, Tyrone Marshall is in no way a locker room problem. He's actually one of the team's leaders... well, was one of the team's leaders. He's a likable guy and always brought a strong effort.

    I actually thought that the Galaxy should have moved him after last season (I'll find the link where I said this if you don't believe me). I figured his value was still somewhat high and that they might as well move him now and get something for him.

    Tyrone just got a little long in the tooth right before our eyes. Trade him now while he still has value rather than wait for the end of the season where you get even less for him in return.

  7. Ty was a really good sport with the press, always willing to talk, even after a loss. He was the lockerroom DJ and would often sing a little Bob Marley coming off the practice field. I'm glad he's going to Toronto, though. I think their fans will appreciate him and treat him right.

  8. thanks for the insight, LB and AC - much appreciated!
