Friday, June 8, 2007

Earthquake detector

Earthquake fans, get ready, cause here they . . . well, who knows?

Jonah probably does, that's who.

Freedman, that is, SI's soccer editor, was at the U.S. game last night. He let it slip that he has an interview for today with a certain lupine-named power player in the Northern natural disaster scheme to return to the Bay area.

Follow Freedman for final fantastic finishing facts.


  1. OK - I'll bite because no else did. I'm a San Jose resident who must fly to LA 2-3 times each year to see MLS action in person. When will Mr. Freedman's story hit the website??

    Thanks for the update and your usual great job.

    mike in SJ

  2. Not sure when it's going to hit the web, but I would imagine sometime next week.
