Saturday, June 16, 2007

Dem's fightin' words

Costa Rica coach Hernan Medford didn't really hold any words back when he was asked about Cuauhtemoc Blanco (Spanish version here in Ovaciones):

"A lot of people like to talk and are always talking. Those are people who haven't accomplished anything of significance. All they can do is talk and since I have accomplished quite a bit I don't need to talk like that. Take a look at the history books. I don't invent things.

With regards to Hugo Sanchez, he has my respect because what he has done is tremendous. But Cuauhtemoc Blanco, please. If he wants, I can send him my resume.

When he is a world champion, a top goal scorer with Real Madrid like Hugo was, then I'll tip my hat to him. The only thing I can say about Cuauhtemoc is that he is a good player but he has to find his way. When he wins something, he can talk but 15 years and one title, por favor senores."

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