Sunday, June 17, 2007

Cobi less than thrilled

Cobi Jones has battled hard this season for his squad, and every time I see him fight for the ball, then pass to a teammate who promptly loses the ball, or make another quick run into space that doesn't get spotted by any passers, I think about how he probably didn't expect things to end this way. A lot of people are talking about how the Galaxy could ruin Beckham's first year by not making the playoffs, but I think it would be a far greater shame to drop the ball so badly on Cobi's final curtain call.

Of course, as Cobi himself points out - it ain't over yet.

1 comment:

  1. Cobi is the best of the Galaxy with Landon, some others guys like Pete or Kyle are good too.
    If any players of the galaxy will be like Cobi, if those guys will play like Cobi, with the same envy, the Galaxy will not there in the standing !! That's sad for this last season for Cobi, but i'm a real Galaxy fan and i believe in Galaxy !!

    Go Galaxy Go !!


    (Sorry if my english is not very clear, but i'm french, so...^^)
