Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I had some things to post about Ramon Ramirez's retirement and pictures and such that I took on Saturday. I was all set to write up the story early Sunday morning for MLSnet when I saw they'd translated the Spanish version instead, so that took the wind out of my sails. Sunday and Monday were both busy days for me outside of work; I had my girls with me both days. So I chose to spend the time with them and with some extended family on both days and wasn't around the computer very much at all.

At this point, the US has arrived and the well-informed Andrea was quick to check up on the USMNT for our benefit. I'll probably be out at training on Tuesday bright and early (I'm hoping to squeeze in a morning workout, hopefully the usual 20-minute stairmaster, 20-minute precor routine) so there will be plenty to post tomorrow.

Anyway, I'll be doing a better job of keeping all of you informed about the goings-on with the USMNT, so keep an eye out for that.

1 comment:

  1. Great guy, washed up soccer player from Mexico.
    Never lived up to the expectations of CUSA's "aqui esta el futbol" concept.
    Couldn't hang in the lowly MLS.
