Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Soccer sage

Grahame Jones is something of the local guru here on the game of soccer. Obviously, the LA Times is the biggest paper in our area, and he's had the beat for a long time. At the Galaxy luncheon, a bunch of us were waiting on Landon Donovan so we could ask him questions. Landon was on a phone call.

Since we had a minute, I took a second for the journalistic equivalent of killing time and asked Grahame his thoughts on the Cuauhtemoc Blanco signing.

"Cuauhtemoc Blanco will be the first red card of the season, even though he won’t get here until July," Grahame joked, before giving a more detailed response.

"Seriously? I think it’s a great signing. It’s probably more significant than the signing of Claudio Reyna, because Blanco’s still at a high level. It’s what the league needs. We haven’t have any big Hispanic signings. It’s been several seasons since we brought in like a Cienfuegos, for example, or players of that level. So it’s good. It should make the Chivas USA/Chicago game really interesting. It should be fascinating. So there’s my sound bite."

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