Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Radio Dave

My spot in the LA press box is usually in the left section (Luis is front and center in the main box most of the time). One of the biggest distractions during games would occur whenever ESPN radio guy Dave Denholm would show up.

Usually Dave wasn't covering matches, though he might squeeze a few minutes of soccer time into one of his shows now and again.

He'd go because the Galaxy is Dave's favorite team. Since he wasn't really working when he was in the pressbox, I basically got to sit next to a really knowledgeable fan who would agonize whenever his team wasn't playing well.

Dave's not shy with an opinion, either. Our side of the pressbox would often become a free-for-all debate on players, tactics, the national team, whatever.

Of course, after the game ended, Dave would take off and go home, leaving me to scramble to finish off stories I'd put off by talking to him.

Listening to his new podcast is almost like being back in the pressbox again.

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