Thursday, March 22, 2007

More Cobi

I contemplated not putting this up simply because the quality was not the greatest. Plus the host of the event was right smack in the background. Nothing against him but it just didn't look as good as if I would have shot it from straight ahead.

Still, I figured it's best to post it and let you guys decide whether it's worth a watch or listen at least. I cut it off before he went into the hordes of people he wanted to thank. As it turned out, Andrea did well to put all that up anyway so it worked out.

1 comment:

  1. I was there and I can attest to Cobi's speech being heartfelt, and I also believe he touched on several important points that are relevant to soccer today.

    That said, I propose a drinking game to this clip - take a shot every time Cobi says, "you know".

    Hopefully, no one is at work trying this.
