Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Quiet HDC

When MLS released the 2007 schedule, it was of absolutely no surprise to me that neither the Galaxy nor Chivas USA had a league home game from mid-July to mid-August. Actually, there is a game on July 14 and the next home date isn't until Aug. 23. There is a SuperLiga game there I believe during that time and possibly an Open Cup game could fall out and be held there.

This is an annual thing, actually. X Games dominates the landscape at HDC the first week of August and after we get past that abomination, there are, uh, well, not sure. Two years ago, a tennis tournament and concert were slated for weekends at HDC. Not sure what will be held at the soccer-specific stadium that precludes soccer.

Anyway, as a freelancer, no home dates means less money and then there goes the kids' college fund. No, but seriously, home dates are good and quiet Saturday nights are bad.

Unless, of course, Rage Against the Machine comes in to save the day.


  1. I just clicked on an ad for you after that depressing story.

  2. Yeah, Luis has the kids as the tear-jerker trump card. My selfish desire for a crackberry doesn't compare.

    Except - Luis is the guy that already has a Blackberry.
