Wednesday, February 14, 2007

O'Brien - Alive

I saw John O'Brien at the Home Depot Center while waiting around for another player. Usually I figure he's busy rehabbing and let him be, but I decided this time to try to ask for specifics.

There are times when you get the sense as a reporter that players would really rather you weren't around. Often this happens when a team has just lost a game. It's only human. Who wants to share bad news?

John stopped when I asked how he was, then wanted to know who I was writing for.

"I freelance," I answered. "People are always interested in your story, John. What's going on? How is the rehab coming?"

"It's still going." He sounded both wary and weary.

"Are you going to train with Chivas USA?"

"Not yet. I'm just working by myself right now. Chivas USA still have my rights, though. We'll see what happens."

He was polite, but seemed uncomfortable, like he really didn't want to talk about his health. Feeling a bit like a vulture, I decided to drop the topic, and just wished him well.

1 comment:

  1. Man - I feel bad for that guy. So much talent, and his body just keeps failing him. That's got to drive him nuts.
