Saturday, February 10, 2007


When I go to games, I don't get to see a lot of the coverage on TV. Sometimes the games are on in the press box but they're on delay without sound so I don't pay any attention to them unless there's a replay I need to watch.

Thus, I really don't have an insight on certain things. So when I was hearing some buzz about how Landon Donovan had blown off Univision after the US-Mexico game, I was surprised. I was further startled when it was being perceived as if he were some sort of Mexican hater. I thought it was odd because I jumped in on an interview he was doing in Spanish with Televisa and even used some of those quotes for a story I wrote. There I was, translating Donovan quotes from Spanish to English.

I know that Landon was one of the last players to leave the field. I saw Jimmy Conrad and then Landon leave the field after everyone else had gone into the US locker room. So if he didn't talk to a Univision reporter, it was probably because he was pressed for time or some U.S. suit told him to get back with the team ASAP.

Being the American soccer icon he is, Landon is conversely despised in Mexico. I think that's fair to say. That's all well and fine but I would hope that dislike is rooted more because of his three goals against El Tri than made-up stories. The whole urinating in Estadio Jalisco comes to mind. What a joke that was. You think Chivas or Atlas players haven't relieved themselves there?

But whatever. There is a lot of garbage floating around but I would hope people use some common sense and critical-thinking skills to decipher and sift through it. Because if he were truly anti-Mexican or even anti-Univision, I wouldn't have been able to take the picture above.

1 comment:

  1. Preach on, brother. Get the word out to the Mexican press.
