Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Accent Marks

Traveling to Europe on the cheapest-flight available combo that I sometimes scrounge up online, I once had a six hour layover in Atlanta. I figured it was enough time to get into the city and have a quick look around, so I left the main airport building to ask for advice on which bus I should take. I spotted someone who looked friendly and asked if he knew which was the next bus to the city.

Smiling, he told me.

I did not understand him.

It was a strange moment, standing there, realizing that he was speaking in English, but with an accent so broad that I was confused.

This gentleman waited, as I stood there stupefied. I wanted to ask him to repeat himself, speaking slowly, but I didn't want to be rude. Finally, I thanked him, then walked back inside the airport and found an information desk.

Similarly, though I understand Spanish, I found myself rewinding my interview with Maykel Galindo a few times. Cuban accents take a little getting used to. Like my helpful friend in Atlanta, Maykel was really nice, though.

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