Monday, January 29, 2007

Two forwards, one coach

Sometimes, even when it's just a sideline interview after a practice, you get someone who says quite a lot. Sometimes someone is polite, but seems more interested in making it to lunch.

Sometimes it helps to speak German. After the Denmark game, assistant coach Peter Nowak gave what seemed to be an extensive interview to a pair of European journalists in German. They had their tape recorders out and were nodding along as he talked away. From what little I could make out (hey, don't laugh, my basic German got me around Hamburg all by my lonesome for the World Cup) he was talking about some stylistic differences between the soccer in Europe and in the U.S. Of course, when Nowak was done talking in German, he wasn't doing any interviews in English.

Where's Steve Cherundolo and his perfect German to translate when you need it?


  1. Is it talking in German, or speaking in German?

  2. Ich spreche
    Du sprichst
    Er, Sie, Es spricht

    Was fur ein Fragen ist das?

  3. I still think it's wierdly sad that out of the two of us (one who studied German versus the one who checked out a library book a month before the trip)you didn't get to go to Germany.

  4. Wenn ich eins von uns beschlossen haben könnte, um zu gehen, würde ich Sie ausgewählt haben.

  5. Don't worry, we'll both go to South Africa! Or, considering your previous post about the crime, perhaps it's all about 2014. I love Brazil.
